不早不晚 ain't too early or too late
爱就在那里 love is there
不偏不倚 ain't bias or favors
情就在那里 the feeling is right there
我哭你笑 I cry you laugh
一眼万年 You are always in my sight
走走停停 不声不响 stop and go without making a sound
有时风平浪静 Sometimes it's peaceful
有时波澜不惊 Sometimes not
但总算平静 but overall peace
不要泯灭你的激情 Don't devoid of your passion
记住你的微笑 Remember your smile
开开心心 just be happy
你问我 you ask me
海是什么颜色 What color is the sea
我说,我们一起去看海吧 i say:let's go to see the sea in the season
烟花是什么颜色 what color is the fireworks
我说,我们去点燃它吧 i say:let's burn it up
我需要你,心心 I need you ,dear
我呼唤你,心心 I call you ,dear
幸福就在那里 happiness is right there
本文是站长一位故友Charles Ho(何伟龙)先生亲自为他女友撰写!版权归本人所有!需转载请注明版权!